Breavis (Presented by IPSC – Institute for Political and Sociological Consulting LLC)
Since 2008

Armenia, Yerevan, Davit Anhaghti St., 23/6 Building, 7 area, s. 601
Tel.: +374 11 204 772 , Tel./Fax +374 11 204 771
Contact person: Ms. Nelly Davtyan
- Public Opinion Polls and Market Research
- PR and Communications consulting
Telephone Interviewing (CATI)
Breavis conducts telephone surveys through CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing) method, which enables controlling the survey process via centralized computer system
The software allows designing samples based on pre-defined criteria; designing questionnaires within the program package; enables 100% recording of calls; enables making calls based on the pre-defined list of phone numbers and sample criteria
The Company has a special room equipped for telephone interviews with 6 working stations, quality control desk, and respective equipment
Face to Face Interviewing (CAPI)
Breavis conducts Face to Face interviews via CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) system, which allows conducting surveys with portable computers and tablets
During the interview the real time progress of the fieldwork is fixed within the system
CAPI system allows minimal technical errors and insures high quality survey with exceptionally trustworthy data, automatic validity, quota checking and interviewer control. It also provides automatic cleaning of the data and insures real time collection of the data
Focus Group Discussions (FGD)
Breavis implements researches based on FGD, which are carried out by the professional and qualified moderators
In Breavis office a special room is designed for FGD, which is equipped with 2 fixed and 1 Full HD IP cameras, one-sided mirror window for process observation, voice microphone invisible for FGD participants, wide-screen Smart TV and board with broadcasting functions, possibility of simultaneous translations with voice-over and subtitle coverage, possibility to install show-stands
The successful brand is not only a beautiful logo and impressive advertising but also the story and philosophy that lies at the core of the brand, to which people are committed. Our communication professionals know how to create a brand that can touch the minds and hearts of people. We also know which are the best ways to spread the story of the brand and to start a dialogue with people. Researchers, semioticians, text and visual communication specialists; everyone combines their knowledge and experience to create a brand, which will be impressive but, at the same time, flexible towards the rapidly changing trends
• Product/service name development
• Logo development
• Corporate items design
• Brand myth/story development
• Brand mission, corporate values development
Communications Strategy Development
Everything is communication. Every word spoken by public or private sectors, individuals or corporations, even silence is communication. Companies can pay a heavy price for wrong communication or for the absence of communication in general. The market has boundaries, and the best price offer or rational opportunity can be viewed as a competitive advantage only in the short run. In the long run, people are not reluctant to buy only goods or services. The people buy values and thinking
Our communication strategy development services include:
• Market research, assessment of potential customer positioning and promotion opportunities
• Measuring communication risks and opportunities
• Development of internal and external communication approaches and concepts (including the development of vocabulary, speech, visual and associative communication impulses)
• Establishment and implementation of a communication strategy by training and involvement of the client team or institution
• Strategy effectiveness assessment and further advancement consulting
Media Relations
To build an effective relationship with media means understanding its rapidly changing demands. Media platforms are gradually transforming into business structures, which are interested in the content created for the wide audiences. The central part of media content is intended for online platforms, which implies the existence of certain principles
To create a content that people want to share with their friends, that will be heard in the era of informational noise. Our Communications team has a successful experience of establishing effective relationships with local and international media
• Organization of press conferences
• Organization of briefings
• Organization of interviews
• Creation and dissemination of media texts
• Media buying
• Media monitoring and analysis