Grigoryan Law Group CJSC
Since 2007

Armenia, Yerevan, Azatutyan 27, office 204
Tel.: +374 11 222 221
Contact person: Mr. Vardan Grigoryan
Provision of legal services to foreign investors and organizations with foreign investments in following spheres:
- Energy
- Telecommunication
- Electronic Communication and Information Technologies
- Public Services Regulatory
- Conservation Rights and Use of Natural Resources, Environment
- State property privatization
- Banking and Financial Lending
- Securities Adjustment
- Foreign investment
- Corporate Law
- Registration of Organizations
- Intellectual Property
- Tax Law
- Customs Law
- Administrative Law
- Civil Law
- Contractual Law
- Consumer Rights Protection
- Antimonopoly Law
- Commercial Law
- Private Law
- Real Estate and Land Rights
- Urban Development
- Insurance
- Labor Law
- Family Law
Company law lawyers are licensed advocates, members of the Chamber of Advocates of the Republic of Armenia
Legal maintenance of foundation, reorganization, liquidation of organizations, agreements of acquisition of shares, parts (mergers and acquisitions), including preparation of contracts, charters, decisions, other required, legal maintenance of corporate management bodies’ activities (general meeting, board of directors)
Legal analysis of various issues at the request of the client, drafting of contracts, orders, references and other documents
Representation of client’s rights and interests in relations with state and local self-government bodies, different bodies of public authorities of RA, legal entities and citizens
Fill of lawsuits and appeals in courts aimed at protecting or restoring client’s violated or contested rights and legitimate interests
Provision of legal consultations on private and public sector law (except for criminal law)
Due Diligence
Judicial collection of debts (Collecting)