Avita LLC, Logistics
Since 2013

Armenia, Yerevan, Artsakhi St. 30, 4th floor, office 408
Tel.: +374 11 335 757
E-mail: info@avita.am
Web-site: www.avita.am
Contact person: Ms Arevik Tarzyan
- Air freight forwarding
- Ocean freight forwarding
- On ground freight forwarding
- Consolidation (LTL, LCL) forwarding
- Customs brokerage services
Min/Max order
Minimum order 50 kg
Maximum order upon request
Avita Logistics has received honor of “Honorable citizen of the Eurasian Union” dated 2016 June 21 in Moscow, Russia
Avita Logistics has received honor and certificate of “National Quality and Reliability” dated 2016 in Moscow, Russia
Avita is FIATA associated member to AAFF Armenia
Member of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Yerevan