Union LLC
Since 2011

Armenia, Yerevan, Saryan 26/2
Tel.: +374 93 404 193, +374 10 536 311
E-mail: stone@union.am
Web-site: www.unionstone.am
Contact person: Mr. Tadevos Hovsepyan
- Tiles
- Comices
- Balusters
- Khachkars
Our company is specialized in cutting tiles from any stones extracted from Armenian fields. All sizes of tiles – thickness, width, length – are determined by the Customer
Cornices are optional, but desirable part of building architecture that give to the building more beautiful and harmonious appearance. We can produce cornices according to our patterns and according to customer drawings
Balconies and staircases adorn the building but balusters made of the same stone as the building give harmony to that building. Our equipment allows us to carve balusters of any complexity. Balusters of Sisian basalt
In Armenia, there is a tradition of installation of monuments-khachkars in honor of the significant event, and as a ritual monument. The word Khachkar literally means (Khach- cross, kar- stone). Most often it’s made of tuff or basalt